If I was any more accurate as an anticipator of future events, the mainstream media would be demanding that I be burned as a witch.
I remember Vox saying to just write “I don’t want your Mark of the Beast!”, if filling out a vax exemption.
“Evidence produced on discovery includes exemption review committee template guidelines revealing that three (3) specific religious affiliations (Rastafarian, Dutch Reform, and Christian Scientist) received preferential treatment leading to approval, while other religions (Catholics, Christians, et al) received harsh scrutiny and demand for more information likely leading to denial.”
“72. On October 5, 2021, RERC updated the approval/denial criteria adding “Template Responses.” Under “Approved,” is stated, “With at least a basic explanation of faith and its opposition to vaccination, requests based upon the following organized religions should be approved: Christian Scientist, Dutch Reform Church, and Rastafarian.” Also newly added, those who mention “Mark of the Beast” in their request have a lesser burden of explanation. Under “Denied” — “… Catholics, Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhism …” would be denied without elaborated explanation. Also added under “Denied” — anyone writing that “the vaccine will modify one’s DNA” or “the vaccine will prevent future reproduction.”
Remember, rhetoric is always much more convincing than dialectic when dealing with NPCs, particularly NPCs on a mission of some kind. For example, which statement do you think is going to be more effective in convincing a die-hard Democrat with Trump Derangement System to shut the hell up and avoid talking politics with you after she asks a leading question about what you think of Drumpf.
- Well, I don’t agree everything the President is doing, but I think he’s, you know, doing some good things. I mean, you have to admit he’s uncovered a lot of government waste!
- You mean the God-Emperor? I love the God-Emperor! 3,500 more years!
Notice that both appeals to Christianity and science were rejected, whereas merely mentioning “Mark of the Beast” was met with approval. Why? Because the rhetorical message sent by the latter indicated that the individual was a) not inclined to cave, b) serious about their beliefs, c) a hard out.
Never attempt to moderate or be circumspect about your sincerely-held beliefs. And remember, no one is more contemptuous of the lukewarm than God.