Worse Than We Imagined

AC points out the significance of 83 percent of all US government spending going to Clown World’s surveillance state oppressing Americans:

All of it is coming. It is just there is so much of it. The Secretary of State just came out and said 83% of an entire government department, all of our foreign aid, was fraudulent. And you are going to see that through the WHOLE government. SSA, HHS, SBA, Education, VA, Energy, anywhere there was money, you will find the vast majority was being siphoned off. That is now beyond question.

So somebody was robbing the United States BLIND. On a scale which is unimaginable, and which was enough to cripple the national treasury, to the point it had to borrow a trillion per year. So that begs the question, where was the FBI? The premier domestic intelligence/Law Enforcement Agency had no idea we were being robbed $100 billion at a time? Obviously they would know. And they let it happen…

And so it went down the ladder. The former Mayor of New York and the former NYPD Police Chief personally walked into the Delaware State PD headquarters with Hunter’s laptop files and played a video of Hunter, buck naked, banging his brother’s underaged child/daughter while smoking crack. Video evidence of drug use, and incest, and child molestation – and it was still ongoing. There was a minor child, a girl, actively being molested still. And the Police had no choice but to stand down. Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Disney, you’ve seen it all over. They are all entirely above the law because everything was corrupted.

This corruption, this wickedness, this all-permeating evil, is why Cato the Elder declared “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.”

Call it Carthage, call it the Phoenician Navy, call it The Empire of Lies, call it The Empire That Never Ended, call it The Empire of Lies, call it Clown World, or call it Judeo-Christianity, it is the same thing and it has ruled over the USA since at least 1965.

The world you live in is not the world in which you were taught to believe, a world that is purely material, in which Science determines truth, in which free and democratic elections establish governments, where Accidents and Great Men dictate the course of history, in which the press is the Fourth Estate holding governments accountable, and in which America is a noble idea rather than a nation comprised of the posterity of the American revolutionaries.

All of those things are lies, literally satanic lies that have been used to enserf and impoverish Americans, to deprive them of their birthright, their land, the fruits of their labor, their physical health, and even their unborn children.

But the truth is coming out. And the secret army of the wicked are terrified and desperate, because they know full well that they merit even less mercy than the Romans showed Carthage, than the Reconquistadors showed al-Andalus, or than the Conquistadors showed the Aztec Empire.

What they have done to Americans is worse, far worse, than anything the National Socialists ever did, and continued for far longer. One way or another, judgment is coming for them. And eventually, an even more final judgment will be pronounced upon them, in a court in which no advocate will speak for them.