Bill Burr is not dead. But his comedy career is. Not his career; no doubt that will continue to ascend with his appearances in Disney Wars television shows and very serious dramatic movies. But he’s not a comedian anymore.
What happened?! That guy was funny. He didn’t give a shit. He certainly didn’t virtue-signal, as you can see from that last clip.
But now? My God. He’s just awful. Spewing lies about Elon Musk. Just … lies. Like, I can’t believe he’s still on the Hitler thing. Seriously, I can’t believe it. Nobody with half a brain actually believed any of that crap the left tried to pull with Elon earlier this year, yet the Dems just keep going back to the well.
It’s amazing, really, how dumb they are. They think that resonates with people. Does Bill Bull actually think Elon Musk is a Nazi? I mean, come on. What are we doing here? Really, Bill? That’s the hill you’re gonna die on? The hill you’re gonna tank your career on? The Elon-Nazi hill?
Insane. They’re all just insane.
We’ve lost Bill Burr.
What happened? He got converged. And convergence eliminates an individual’s ability to fulfill his purpose just as certainly as it eliminates an organizations ability to fulfill its primary purpose.