I’m pleased to confirm that I’ve still got the skillz. Not just with regards to soccer, where I managed to score three goals in our first practice of the spring season last week, but as concerns my alternate career as a long-distance truck driver.
Spacebunny somehow managed to conjure up this huge 4-meter-long oak table that seats 16 people, the caveat being that we had to pick it up right away. As in today. Which, of course, required the use of a proper truck to transport the massive beast. Fortunately, being a truck driver, I have copious contacts in the field and was able to quickly arrange for one. We managed to assemble sufficient people in the appropriate locations at the appropriate times for loading and unloading, and the entire operation was completed in just over four hours despite the fact that it was necessary to triple my anticipated mileage allotment in the process.
But that wasn’t a problem. Because driving as far as is necessary to get the job done is just what we OG truckers do when the situation requires it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I feel as if I should go and crack open a cold one.