Low-Wage Efficiencies

Immigrant truckers are crashing the trucks Americans won’t crash.

Today rolled through Nebraska and counted no fewer than 107 CMV accidents between Omaha and Big Springs. I did not get picture of all of them. In fact I didn’t start keeping track until halfway through the state.

I reached out to Nebraska State Police and they said they responded to 211 CMV accidents in 3 Days, this includes today. I asked them for the crash ratio of foreign to American drivers involved in the accidents and they say that the At Fault percentage for the 3 days are 97% foreign and 3% American… they did not give me nationality of the drivers.

I asked what is the reason for the crash and surprisingly it isn’t speed., it’s the simple fact that many of these drivers are INCAPABLE of driving on snow and ice, don’t leave enough stoping distance, are following too closely and plain panic during minor road scenarios. I am a firm believer that the FMCSA needs to restrict foreigners from being allowed to operate during inclement weather such as snow or ice.

According to the National Insurance Institute, 98% of at fault crashes in a CMV during inclement weather are the fault of a person not from the United States…let that sink in….giving people CDL’s, who are from countries where it doesn’t snow, who have little to no traffic laws & enforcement does not translate to them being safe drivers in America.

Mass immigration is not “good for the economy” as advertised, much less “necessary for the economy”. To the contrary, it is an absolute nightmare for the economy as well as for the society, as it reduces wages, reduces productivity, and produces a much lower-quality labor force.

Economic theory has yet to catch up to the real-world tests of those theories that have played out in diametrically opposite ways than was theorized in ignorance and instituted as policy.