The Kiev Regime is Done

And the European Union is officially irrelevant on the global level. It’s not even a genuine regional power. One by one, Clown World regimes are going to fall to the nationalist forces of the populist freedom that the satanic elite has deemed so “extreme” and “dangerous” to itself.

Few have expected the speed with which Zelensky’s regime has worn out its welcome. Now Zelensky has no choice but to cling to his final holdfast of the ever-narrowing and isolated European elite circle, that same Vampire ball which had just gathered in Paris days ago. The European tyrants who have squandered their citizens’ lives, destroying Europe’s future, turning a once bright-and-bustling civilization into a dystopian failed state overrun by migrants and skyrocketing prices—these elites have emerged as the scared, retreating figures now trying desperately to shield Zelensky beneath their skirt as the overwhelming concensus builds to loom deafeningly before them.

The remnants of their dying mass-media organs are stenographing their urgent pleas, trying any angle to save Zelensky from the wood chipper of history. For instance, Newsweek had the gall to pass this embarrassing bout of flatulence off as an ‘article’:

There are concerns that the Ukrainian president could be voted out of office if the country holds an election.

So, there are concerns that democracy could reign in a European country? Yes, we’ve come to learn this has become the gravest concern to this final globalist tyrant holdout of the rotting Brussels regime.

It’s absurd to deny Zelensky’s legitimacy after he literally forewent presidential elections, but it’s not absurd to openly deny the legitimacy of Romanian and Georgian elections with zero evidence of interference? The putrid Eurocrats have lofted to new heights of hypocrisy for all the world to see. Their increasingly shrinking coven becomes less and less relevant by the day, as they destroy the last crumbs of their credibility desperately shielding a blood-soaked despot.

More and more it begins to seem that Trump’s ‘sudden’ flare up against Zelensky has the note of premeditation in it. As I’ve previously posited, it’s possible that Trump has been setting up Ukraine for a fall, but he simply had to prep the ground first, by making reasonable overtures toward peace that he knew all along Zelensky would be incapable of agreeing to or honoring. Now the feigned indignation merely marks the transition to Phase Two of the planned demolition of the deep state’s Ukraine project.

There is a reason Vladimir Putin accurately described Clown World as “an Empire of Lies”. Nothing that the so-called “leaders” of the occupied West, from Germany, France, and the UK to the fake regime of the Six Bidens, ever said was even remotely true. They were, and are, the bad guys. They were the expansionary power with global aspirations. Not Russia. Not China. And now, not the United States.

The sooner Clown World is comprehensively driven back into the shadows, the sooner the American people and the European peoples can be freed from the evil that has oppressed them for the last sixty years.

UPDATE: Even the mainstream media reports that the clowns are in disarray. Imagine how panicked they’ll be when they finally realize Washington isn’t just abandoning the Kiev regime, but Clown World’s entire European project.

The Kremlin has said it ‘absolutely’ agrees with Donald Trump after the US president warned Volodymyr Zelensky to ‘move fast’ to end the conflict in Ukraine – as Europe has been left panicked at the prospect of Washington abandoning Kyiv.

UPDATE: NATO and the EU are dying, they just haven’t stopped thrashing about yet.

We are witnessing history. The post-World War II order with the US ruling the roost is coming unglued. I think this is the beginning of the end for NATO and for the European Union. But the collapse is not imminent. Political and economic chaos are likely to shake the major European countries and create internal pressures in the next two years that will lead the various nations to seek their own path for security outside the confines of NATO or the EU.