Racism, Disproved

An X-commenter proves the case for untrammeled immigration presented by Elon Musk, Ramaswampy, and Fake Short Trump:

All the vile, racist drivel on this hell site can be disproved so easily with one real life example. Look at man in his most debased and primal state, man in prison, where his survival instincts emerge. Notice how prison gangs do not segregate on racial lines, but instead, scout the top talent from the prison system, as the Black Disciples and Aryan Brotherhood furiously compete for the Indian inmates and other elite human capital.

In actuality, history underlines, illustrates, and proves the truth of Andrew Torba’s recent statement: Be racist or be replaced. Consider the selection from today’s eerily timely serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911:

This is the role of nomadism in the history of the world: countries too distant from its basis it could only ravage transitorily, with robbery, murder, fire, and slavery, but the stamp which it left upon the peoples which it directly dominated or adjoined remains uneffaceable. The Orient, the cradle and chief nursery of civilisation, it delivered over to barbarism; it completely paralysed the greater part of Europe, and it transformed and radically corrupted the race, spirit, and character of countless millions for incalculable ages to come. That which is called the inferiority of the East European is its work, and had Germany or France possessed steppes like Hungary, where the nomads could also have maintained themselves and thence completed their work of destruction, in all probability the light of West European civilisation would long ago have been extinguished, the entire Old World would have been barbarised, and at the head of civilisation today would be stagnant China.

In light of these historical observations, isn’t it intriguing to observe that the economic nomadism encouraged by the Enlightenment-era elite for the last 200 years appears to be in the process of extinguishing West European civilization, barbarising the New World and the Old World alike, and thereby leaving staunchly racist China at the head of global civilization today?

Perhaps greater intellectual courage, which is to say greater knowledge and acceptance of the fact that racism is neither a sin nor an evil, but a civilizational prerequisite, could have averted what is shaping up to be a global cataclysm surpassed only by Noah’s flood.