With apologies to Lee Kuan Yew:
“In multiracial societies, you don’t hire in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you hire in accordance with your race and religion.”
– Vox Day
Despite its grandiose and universalist pretensions, ideology is ultimately nothing more the detailed rationalization of an identity group’s immediate interests, and it will always be subject to further modification and mutation as that group’s interests evolve over time. A co-ideologist from a different identity group can never be more than a temporary ally, as his identity will always hold priority over his current ideology in the end.
A Russian commenter provides a salient and logical perspective on the matter.
I am not an American and I have never crossed the Atlantic – but, as a general point, any line of reasoning that assumes:
1) that a country with a population the size and quality of America (or Russia, France, Germany, etc) cannot produce its own highly-skilled IT, research, engineering, etc. professionals;
2) that it is normal and and acceptable to brain drain the entire world using economic incentives and globalist ideological propaganda;
3) that it is normal and acceptable to deprive your own population of socioeconomic opportunities to save a few bucks by claiming 1) and engaging in 2);
is not only morally reprehensible and psychotic, but also the sort of self-serving, hypocritical lie that incites homicidal rage in the people who are being damaged by it, and permanently erodes the social fabric on every level.