Why Invade Now?

This three-month-old report on Hezbollah’s methodical degradation of the Israeli air defense system may explain why the Netanyahu regime is hell-bent on invading Lebanon and engaging in the sort of ground war that the IDF has been assiduously avoiding for the last decade. Obviously, I can’t verify its accuracy, and it is of a strongly anti-Israel bent, but it does help put the puzzle together.

‘Israel’ has completely lost the north of occupied Palestine. It’s under fire and on fire every day now. Hezbollah has methodically eye-poked ‘Israel’s’ intelligence outposts and is literally blasting them in the nuts every day, on camera. The map above shows the new line of control for occupied Palestine, as reported by the thinking man’s Der Stürmer, Haaretz. ‘Israel’ has lost it.

It’s fascinatingly boring how Hezbollah did this. For months their videos have been methodically mundane, blowing up this communication tower, that building, that listening station. It seemed like a bunch of nothing, but it adds up. Hezbollah had a list of ‘Israel’s’ eyes and ears in the north and has spent months methodically eye poking them, like Odysseus and the Cyclops. Now—however big the IOF might be—they’re effectively blinded.

As Hezbollah opens bigger and bigger gaps in ‘Israel’s’ air defenses, they can send bigger and more missiles in, with better and better penetration. For ‘Israel’, this attrition is a compounding problem. Their air defenses are a connected system and the network is increasingly returning 404… Hezbollah has fire control over the north, while ‘Israel’ is retreating further and further.

Pager bombings and air strikes are insufficient to change the attritional equation here. And Israel doesn’t have the room to retreat much further than it already has, which means that in order to restore its air defense systems to full functionality, it has no choice but to go in on the ground and provide Hezbollah with the invasion that it apparently has been seeking to provoke regardless of what is happening in Gaza, the West Bank, Iran, or Ukraine.

Which, presumably, is why the USA now has more than 40,000 troops, the 101st Airborne, and several carrier groups in position to reinforce what would appear to be an incipient Israeli invasion of Lebanon. If the report of the systematic degradation of the Iron Dome system and the removal of 60,000 settlers is correct – and I’m confident that the latter, at least, is, on the basis of similar Israeli reports – then I don’t see any way that another war in Lebanon can reasonably be avoided short of a long-term ceasefire that would give the Israelis the time to reconstruct its air defense systems.