Hypergamouse Lives!

They can deplatform. They can demonetize. They can cancel our campaigns. But they can’t stop Lacey from drawing. In Episode 112, Dag finds himself summoned to HR.

UPDATE: Fandom Pulse has published an article observing some of the interesting facets of BackerKit’s subjective application of its Community Guidelines. Sure, it might sound like a stretch, but that’s the point about the extremely expansive language that was utilized against Hypergamouse. I mean, how many creators there have an “association” of some kind with Neil Gaiman, who is credibly accused of serial off-platform harassment dating back to 1986.

The irony of the post banning a project for “association” is that BackerKit hosts a myriad of projects, and a cursory look into the creators could reveal some questionable associations.

Brandon Sanderson recently crowdfunded a book on their platform, for instance. Tor Books published Sanderson, and Tor Books had a problem in 2013 with an employee accused of sexual harassment. Under these guidelines, Brandon Sanderson would be “associated” with something that violates their Community Guidelines as per the below paragraph’s listing of off-platform “harassment” as part of their stated terms of service.

BackerKit has not reached out to ban Brandon Sanderson as of this writing.