Have We Reached Peak Boomer?

Even before they have exited the scene, it’s already clear that the Boomers are the worst and most wicked generation in recorded history. Can you even imagine doing this to anyone, let alone your own children?

Identity theft is never pleasant, but it’s so much worse when the perpetrators are your family members. One Redditor learned this the hard way after being left to deal with the consequences after his parents stole his identity to open a credit card, which was used to pay for cruises. The Redditor, who has remained anonymous, initially noticed that something was different when his parents went on two vacations in one year, when they weren’t known for going on vacations.

“My parents opened a credit card in my name and used the money to go on cruises. I thought it was odd they went on two in the last year, especially since they never went on vacations before.”

At the time, the poster had no idea that his parents were committing a federal crime – using his identity – to pay for their sailings. In fact, he only learned of the serious transgression once he was contacted by a collections agency looking to recoup the unpaid sum – which totaled more than $10,000.

“A couple of weeks ago, I got a letter from a collection agency wanting to work out a payment plan for more than $10,000 for a credit card I never had. Through my own investigation, it became obvious either my mom or dad opened the account in my name last year.”

Even after being caught red-handed, the parents attempted to deny their actions, trying to convince their child that he received the letter by mistake. But eventually, they admitted that they had secretly opened credit cards in the poster and his siblings’ names because they wanted to travel.

The seemingly unapologetic parents said they intended to make the monthly payments so their kids would never find out, but it became too expensive to do so. Their only suggestion for their wronged child was to file for bankruptcy – but asked them to open a few more lines of credit first.

Usury is a cancer on the people. Usury that is the primary foreign and domestic priority of the government is like… government-mandated injections of cancer-causing substances. There is a very good reason why usury was banned for centuries across Christendom, and why it will be highly restricted if not outright banned in most future societies that survive the total collapse of Clown World.