The Triumph of #GamerGate

We were the first to punch through the Narrative and make them bleed. No wonder they hate and fear us to this day.

Listen very carefully to how Mike explains the Narrative Warfare capacity of Globohomo, when it came online, and why they freaked out. He did not mention us by name, but considering the anniversary event and that Games Journos are the Farm League for Mainstream Media and do every single bit of Narrative bullshit that the big players do FOR THE SAME REASONS.

We were the Black Swan that no one saw coming! We were the first to crack that wall in the Narrative Warfare Dyson Sphere. Sure, we did it against the Regime’s Farm League Teams, but we did it nonetheless; it’s no different than an unexpected revolt in a heretofore secure rear area garrisoned by shitters and losers because that’s exactly what it was.

The newbs and fuckups screwed up a job with low expectations, then fucked up the containment response, and suddenly people further up the status (and thus command) ladder had to be diverted to handle something that they should never have had to handle. In the process of doing this, we did irreperable damage to the Narrative Warfare Complex.

The lessons that were learned, the tactics that were developed, and the example that was set are still relevant today. The power of the Meme Magic we collectively unleashed is such that even those who are genuinely opposed to the Establishment Narrative are terrified of our ability to punch through it. Seriously, the fourth rule of r/neilgaimanuncovered is “No reposts from “Neil Gaiman Memes” and yet the posters there still regularly take their lead from some of our posts.

That was five days ago. This is today.

A few days ago, Milo, Ethan, Mundane Matt, myself, Sargon of Akkad, and a few more of the 40 or so original #GamerGaters appeared on a 10th Anniversary of GG Killstream, and it was remarkable to discover how despite our widely disparate politics, fields, and interests, every single one of us had been the subject of multiple hit pieces by the mainstream media, the same mainstream media that has been desperately trying to maintain its wall of silence about the growing number of accusations of sexual assault, non-disclosure agreements, and large monetary payouts.

But sometimes, silence speaks volumes. Indeed, perhaps the most damning confirmation of the worst-case scenario is the fact that The Guardian hasn’t fluffed Neil Gaiman once in the last two months.

So, to paraphrase an old GG aphorism, shut up and meme, boys! Shut up and meme. Vivian’s grown up and gone Goth.