Then They Came for Rohan

John Trent reports that Warner is following Amazon’s lead in purposefully destroying the value of its Tolkien IP with its forthcoming animated film.

Some new information has come our way regarding the upcoming animated film Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim. There’s an alleged marketing document detailing how the company Warner Bros. is going to market this movie, and it also provides some new information regarding relationships between the characters and how it is radically different from JRR Tolkien’s original short story that you can find
in Appendix A in the back of The Return of the King.

The document that his Source gave him says this: “finding herself in an increasingly desperate situation the daughter of Helm must summon the will to lead the resistance against a deadly enemy intent on their total destruction.” It also adds this: “This all-new stand-alone cinematic adventure forges the legend of Hera, the rebellious daughter of Helm Hammerhand, as she answers the call to protect her people in a battle for their survival that shapes the destiny of Middle Earth.”

Another rebellious girl-boss self-insert Mary Sue! Another violent rape-and-pillaging of a well-loved story! Will the wonders vomited out of the Hellmouth ever cease?

At this point, if you’re a Tolkien fan, it’s really time to turn to ARTS OF DARK AND LIGHT. It’s not Tolkien, nothing is, but it’s considerably closer to Tolkien than anything you’re going to get out of the Hellmouth or the converged publishing houses anymore. And, in fact, the first non-book spinoff from AODAL has been officially produced, and I will play the unofficial Kingsguard anthem on Arkhaven Nights next week. Songs from Selenoth!

In the meantime, if you haven’t picked up A THRONE OF BONES or A SEA OF SKULLS yet, they’re both on Amazon and at NDM Express now.

The Kingsguard ain’t like t’other dwarves…