Neocons are Back

And they’re rolling the dice. Now that the neocon faction that controls Harris has succeeded in pushing aside the Six Bidens and gaining control of the US military, it appears that the second front of WWIII is about to kick off in earnest. Michael Hudson comments on what looks like joint US-Israeli preparations for war with Hezbollah and Iran:

You say Israel, but it’s actually Israel in the United States. And all this has happened right after Netanyahu came to Congress and met in Washington with the Democratic Party leaders and then with Trump. So I think it’s really the policy of the neocons. They’ve worked hand in hand. And I’ve known these people for over 50 years…

So I think that the neocons in Washington believe that war is going to be inevitable. America is fighting for control of the Near East because the Near East controls the oil. And American foreign policy has been based on control of food supplies from American farms and control of the oil trade, because if you can control the oil trade, you can turn off people’s electricity, their heating, and their power. And power use for workers is the root of productivity.

And the way that the military thinks—and again, I’ve worked with them for years—is the timing, that, are we in a better position now than we will be next year or not. And I think the American military realizes that Russia and China and the other Eurasian countries are getting together. The American ability to fight militarily is going down. And to the military, that means if we don’t have war now and wait till next year in the future, we’ll be less and less and less able to win.

Well, the reality is they’re going to lose wherever they go, unless there’s atomic war and the chessboard is thrown over. And I think their feeling is the Americans are doing everything they can, from Ukraine to Israel to Iran, to try to stir up a retaliation so that they can then say, ah, we’re under attack, we’re purely defending ourselves, and once you tell your population and your voters this is a war for defense, as the Nazis know, you can always get a—as Goebbels said, you can always get a population on your side if you say it’s for defense.

So I’m very worried that the neocons are going to say there will never be a better or at least a less worse time to go to war in the Near East than right now. That seems to be what is leading the trigger, and even the military has said every way that they’ve gamed out the military sequence there, America loses. They’re not going to lose as bad now as they will in the future. And this is very dangerous, given the whole mindset that they have, and the mindset that they have to control the Near East, or else the rest of the world will not be neoliberalized.

That’s been my assumption as well. Next year is not going to be any easier. Five years from now is not going to be any easier. Time is on the side of the sovereign nations, so Clown World has to act now if it is going to act at all. I was hoping that Trump would come in to preside over a soft collapse, but that option appears to have pretty much disappeared with the assassination and the JD Vance selection.

It will be interesting to see how Russia and China react to this. Very interesting indeed. Because if the US military is sufficiently committed on this front, it won’t have much ability to interfere in Europe or in Asia.