Evil in the High Courts

This is absolutely and utterly evil. This is the sort of thing that is going to lead to the revolution and chaos that will bring the Empire down from within. It’s also directly against the recent decision of the US Supreme Court, which ruled that non-vaccines like the Covid-19 shots cannot be mandated:

Schools have been given the green light to vaccinate children with Covid-19 mRNA shots without parental consent by the Vermont Supreme Court which ruled that schools are protected under the PREP Act which provides immunity from liability.

The decision by the Vermont Supreme Court opens to the door for educators to further encroach upon the rights and responsibilities of parents by vaccinating children against the wishes of their parents and facing no legal consequences.

The court set the precedent during a case involving a child, labeled L.P. in the original complaint, who was vaccinated in November 2021 at a clinic hosted by the Windham Southeast School District.

L.P. was a student at the district’s Academy School at the time of the forced vaccination.

L.P.’s father told a school official days prior to the clinic the child was not to be vaccinated, court documents say. The school official acknowledged the father’s directive, according to Friday’s ruling.

The school child also reminded the staff that her father did not want her to be vaccinated.

However, clinic workers forced L.P. to have one dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

According to the school, the child was allegedly “misidentified,” according to the court ruling.

Academy School officials realized the “mistake” and called L.P.’s parents to explain and apologize, which led to L.P.’s parents removing their child from the school.

According to the Vermont Supreme Court ruling on Friday, state and school officials involved in vaccinating the child without parental consent cannot be sued or prosecuted because they are are protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which grants liability immunity.

And no immunity granted by a court is going to protect state and school officials from those seeking righteous retribution for the harm done to their children. Those clinic workers shouldn’t be given liability, they should be tried, found guilty, and face capital punishment for their knowingly forcing an unwilling child to receive medical treatment against her wishes and the wishes of her father.

Here is hoping those evil will swiftly face the divine justice that the Vermont courts denied that family.