And all its wicked pomps. But, as Owen Benjamin observers, the Christian Right is always more interested in complaining about what the wicked do than they are in either eliminating the wickedness or establishing an alternative to it.
Christians are targeted for mockery with the Olympics because marketing research says they’ll tweet about it with outrage but still watch. Which means free advertisement with no drop in viewers. In fact more will probably tune in to join in on the rage.
It’s actually smart. Most other demographics would then not watch. White Christian’s will not only watch but send it to everyone they know with a “we are under attack” or “disgusting.” As they watch and share. And when the Christian’s share all of these clips but never share local community projects or anything inspiring, the people that enjoy seeing Christianity mocked because of their upbringing will see it and remember to watch the Olympics.
Hope that helps! And you can pretend that I’m attacking Christianity but I’m not, just telling you the truth as to why corporations and politicians love to troll you. They just had an obese woman as Jesus in the last supper and a bunch of trans as apostles. And every right wing grifter is promoting it furiously.
Well, that’s one reason Christians are targeted for mockery. The other, more important reason is because Clown World is quite literally satanic, the people who produce big Clown World events like the Olympics, the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony are satanic servants of Clown World, and the events are used as part of their “revelation of the method” rituals, which is why the 2012 London Olympics hinted at the 2020 pandemic and why the “white rider” that appeared riding over the waters of the Seine likely presages a future depopulation program.
Don’t complain about these things. Just recognize them for what they are and turn them off. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with the sports themselves. But at the very least, skip the opening and closing ceremonies. Let them wallow in their filth. We focus on the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.