SSH Analysis of VP Choice

A look at JD Vance from a purely socio-sexual perspective, rather than an ideological or political frame, at Sigma Game.

Let’s have a look at Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s selection as a running mate for the 2024 US Presidential election. Senator. US Marine. Author. Married man with children. JD Vance almost looks like a leader of men here. Senator Vance has clearly done his best to improve his image and make himself look more masculine. But one principle of Sigma Game is that no matter what superficial and temporary changes a man makes to himself, his core behavioral patterns are always going to be there and will tend to resurface over time and under stress.

So, is this bearded, resolute visage the true face of JD Vance? Almost certainly not.

This could prove to be a fascinating test of the SSH as a predictive model if the conclusion turns out to have been correct.