Unlocking Antarctica

Somehow, I doubt the coming conflict over Antarctica is actually about the oil that was supposedly just discovered there.

Deep beneath the harsh wasteland of the Antarctic shelf lies a prize hundreds of millions of years in the making. For more than 150 years, wars have been fought for access to oil, the thick, black ooze that the world has come to rely on. Despite the growth of renewable energy in recent years, almost all of the world’s energy, 84% as of 2020, runs on fossil fuels, including oil and gas.

And with the Russian discovery of an estimated 511billion barrels of oil and gas in the Antarctic, the race for Black Gold is on once again, as nations across the world claiming they alone own the land above the fossil fuel reserve, even though a historic treaty prevents anyone from accessing it.

But experts have warned that Russia and China should not be trusted and that the West ought to make preparations to prevent them from getting their hands on it. Russia’s discovery underneath the Antarctic is already starting to spook the West, with the issue being brought up at a Select Committee this week.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that there is something important being concealed from the world down in Antarctica, though whether it is aliens, secret Nazi space bases, or the ice wall around the edge of the Flat Earth, I wouldn’t even begin to hazard an opinion. But whatever it is, it’s big enough that the Narrative needed to suddenly announce the existence of a massive oil discovery in order to explain the incipient conflict over it.

World War III is certainly turning out to be considerably more intriguing than I’d ever imagined.