The Chinese Know

The recent article in Global Times makes it pretty clear that both the Chinese and the Russians are very well aware of who was responsible for the assassination attempt on the Slovak Prime Minister:

The prime minister is known for his ability to reinvent his political career in the face of major setbacks. Last October, Fico and his Smer-SD party won Slovakia’s parliamentary election after campaigning on a pro-Russian and anti-American message, marking the start of his fourth term as Slovakia’s prime minister. He has consistently advocated for peace between Russia and Ukraine, and promised to stop sending weapons to Ukraine, to block Kiev’s potential NATO membership and to oppose sanctions on Russia. When discussing the situation in Ukraine, he emphasized, “We share the same opinion with China on the impossibility of solving the conflict in Ukraine by military means and we support all meaningful peace plans that will not be phantasmagories but will be based on reality.” This stance positioned him outside the European mainstream. He has become the target of criticism by the opposition party and liberal media.

The assassination attempt against Fico sounds the alarm for increasing political violence in Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated, “There can be no justification for this monstrous crime.” The chaos in European politics and society is worthy of serious consideration.

Whereas Ukraine was a proxy battleground between NATO and Russia, it increasingly appears that there will be multiple fronts in the increasingly open war between Clown World and the sovereign nations.