Your odds are not good when your entire geostrategic approach to winning World War III revolves around inspiring a color revolution against the most popular, most democratically-supported leader on the planet.
They have waited 10 long, suffering years to vote in this election. And vote they did, in massive numbers, certifying a landslide reelection for the political leader who brought them back to Mother Russia. VVP may now be widely referred to as Mr. 87%. In Donetsk, turnout was even higher: 88,17%. And no less than 95% voted for him.
To follow the Russian electoral process at work in Donbass was a humbling – and illuminating – experience. Graphically, in front of us, the full weight of the collective West’s relentless denigration campaign was instantly gobbled up by the rich black soil of Novorossiya. The impeccable organization, the full transparency of the voting, the enthusiasm by polling station workers and voters alike punctuated the historical gravity of the political moment: at the same time everything was enveloped in an impalpable feeling of silent jubilation.
This was of course a referendum. Donbass represents a microcosm of the solid internal cohesion of Russian citizens around the policies of Team Putin – while at the same time sharing a feeling experienced by the overwhelming majority of the Global South. VVP’s victory was a victory of the Global Majority.
And that’s what’s making the puny Global Minority even more apoplectic. With their highest turnout since 1991, Russian voters inflicted a massive strategic defeat to the intellectual pigmies who pass for Western “leadership” – arguably the most mediocre political class of the past 100 years. They voted for a fairer, stable system of international relations; for multipolarity; and for true leadership by civilization-states such as Russia.VVP’s 87% score was followed, by a long shot, by the Communists, with 3.9%. That is quite significant, because these 91% represent a total rejection of the globalist Davos/Great Reset plutocratic “future” envisioned by the 0.001%.
Imagine how popular a US president would be if he won three wars in succession while significantly increasing life expectancy and per capita income as well as restoring the prestige and morale of the nation. Clown World’s claims that Putin is a dictator or that his policies are unpopular with Russia are nothing more than its usual inversion of the truth, just as the idea that Ukraine and NATO are “fighting for democracy” is totally risible in light of the Kiev regime’s cancellation of the presidential elections that were scheduled later this month, on March 31st.
The reality is that if Putin were to run against Biden in the U.S. Presidential election, there is a very good chance that he would win, and that chance would become a near-certainty with a single debate, even given Putin’s need for a translator.
Everything about Clown World is fake and SGL. Every single thing.