On Advice from Failure

I posted the following on Gab yesterday.

  • Don’t take marital advice from a divorced man.
  • Don’t take financial advice from a bankrupt man.
  • Don’t take moral advice from a godless man.
  • And don’t take any advice at all from a vaccinated man.

The response was highly positive, for the most part, but there was a persistent theme of yeahbuttery that merits an additional round. Some examples:

  • This is true, unless they (the ones giving advice) acknowledge the fact that they are a negative example, and are urging others not to make the same mistakes they did.
  • I disagree with this nonsense 100% and here is why: I want to win. I want us to win. We aren’t going to if we’re so narrow-minded to shun anyone we view as less than perfect. People male mistakes. Divorces happen. People fall on hard financial times. Not being on the same team (religion) does not make someone “less” or evil. Has it occurred to any one of you that this is why we’re getting our shit pushed in by these scumbags? We’re being dismantled brick by brick completely unimpeded. Dissention is being silenced. Political opponents are being destroyed. Why do you think that is? Because we’re divided and they’re not. They’re all in lockstep with one another for a common goal: our complete replacement. We’re being removed from every meaningful aspect of society while we are still expected to pay for everything. They are ignoring their differences while we are continuing to be bullheaded and stubborn and settling into different factions. Maybe…just maybe listening to someone who walked a different path and had experiences different from yours who share the same goals as you may not be the worst idea. You might learn something
  • That’s only good advice on the surface. You can learn what not to do from a divorced man. You can better understand business and economics by learning why he went bankrupt. There’s no such thing as a godless man*, so I’ll skip this one. I learned that I was right about the “vaccine” from watching the vaccinated suffer and die. *Godless men, and women, just pretend that Big Brother government can do whatever God can do. They believe in the wrong god.
  • I would think marital advice from a divorced man would be the best, honest advice anyone could get.
  • However, you can learn from them not to do what they did.
  • Most of the advice any of them would give will primarily tell you what NOT to do. Could be valuable.

In light of these retarderies, I repeat, clarify, and expand upon my previous statement.


This does not mean you cannot learn from the negative examples they have set. By all means, learn through observation and intelligent analyses. The problem with the advice from failures is that it will reliably be bad and self-serving even if they claim to have “learned from their mistakes”. Especially if they claim to have “learned from their mistakes”!

People always seek to justify their past actions and decisions. ALWAYS. So even when a failure admits to you that he made a mistake, he will usually attempt to convince you that the mistake was justified by his situation at the time, or that it was really a good thing, or that it really wasn’t a mistake in the end. His primary interest is convincing you that his failure was justified, not in helping you avoid making the same mistake in the future.

In fact, “you would have done the same if you were in my shoes” is the most oft-heard “advice” from those who have supposedly “learned from their mistakes”. Failures absolutely love to set themselves up as experts in the very fields in which they have failed, because it gives them the opportunity to talk about themselves in addition to justifying their past actions. There is a reason for the aphorism: “those who can’t do, teach”.

The most important thing is to recognize that you don’t need their advice in order to profit from their negative example. Observe them, yes. But don’t listen to them. Instead, listen to successful individuals about their past failures, because every successful individual has failed many times in the past. And unlike the failures, successful people usually know the difference between what works and what doesn’t work.