Midnight’s War is Go


% of Goal: 282.6 percent

Backers: 538

Thanks very much to all of the backers who are allowing us to bring one of our more popular comics from the screen to print. What the success of this campaign means is that Arkhaven won’t have to go into the red to produce the 450 pages of art that are required for the three omnibuses. And it will provide enough art to permit MIDNIGHT’S WAR to run on Arktoons for another three years at the current rate of page burn. So, after a long and bruising campaign, Kyle Buckner could certainly use a little downtime.


MIDNIGHT’S WAR Episode 61: Downtime

BOB Episode 99: Merry Wokemas

VEGFOLK FABLES Episode 174: Four Stories

CHUCK DIXON PRESENTS: COMEDY Episode 78: Christmas at Greyfriars

BEN GARRISON Episode 85: Biden Gun Control

STONETOSS Episode 150: All Roads Lead To Rome

CHUCK DIXON’S AVALON Episode 87: Responsibilities