First, we’re pleased to announce that comments and direct subscriptions are now available on Arktoons. Second, if you have been a paying subscriber at at some point over the last year your account has been imported to Arktoons at
Your account exists – but your password does not. They are encrypted so we could not migrate them. To setup the password for your user on, go here and fillout the form with your username and click Submit:
A special thanks to all of you who have been supporting Arkhaven for little more than a “thanks” and the knowledge that you are in the fight. Every user who has supported Arkhaven at over the last year has been imported to Arktoons with a special status. There are no badges available yet, but the record is in place, and once we have the design out you will have OG status on Arktoons in perpetuity.
GORGO Episode 1: A Thing of Terror
HYPERGAMOUS Episode 48: She Might Say No
SILENZIOSA Episode 30: Death in the Moonlight
THE SWORD OF GOD Episode 9: Three Highly Dangerous Men
SAVAGE MEMES Episode 114: Scene
BOB Episode 27: The End
CHATEAU GRIEF Episode 85: Most Odd Pretzel Logic
SHADE Episode 36: Projection and Misdirection
RIGHT HO, JEEVES Episode 46: Anatole’s Distress