Disney is not even attempting to hide its complete devotion to Satan and all his pomps any longer:
A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year.
General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive. The call was part of Disney’s ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ campaign which promises that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups by 2022.
Meanwhile, Disney’s diversity and inclusion chief Vivain said that they no longer address theme park visitors as ‘ladies and gentleman, boys and girls’ but instead as ‘dreamers’ and ‘friends’.
Burke choked up during Monday, saying the issue hit close to home because of her children. ‘I’m here as the mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader,’ she said.
During the same all-hands meeting, television animation executive producer Latoya Raveneau gushed about Disney’s inclusivity and boasted about ‘adding queerness’ to shows and productions. ‘Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my not-so-secret gay agenda,’ she said. ‘Wherever I could I was adding queerness. No one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.’
At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way.
And remember, what these wicked women are advocating is what “judeo-christianity” actually is. Do you really think they don’t know what their underlings are doing?