Restoring History at Arktoons

A message from the Arktoons Production Editor.

Among the many comics we release on a regular basis on Arktoons are a number of restored classic comics. We have a huge archive of public domain comics to choose from, but we need help organizing them. If you can tell the difference between the two images above, then you can help us.

We are looking for volunteers to compare the available pages and select the best instance of each. Common problems to look out for are: poorly scanned pages, torn or damaged pages, yellowed/aged pages, offset colors (when a colour is printed outside of the area it was intended to be in), and other easily identifiable issues.

You do not need any technical skills or abilities. All you need to do is check pages and choose the best. Our production artists will take the restoration process from there.

So if you are interested in helping restore comics history, email: arkhavencomics-AT-outlook-DOT-com to join the production team.