There is an indication that the combination of vaccine-related blood clots and high-altitude air flight may be a dangerous one.
Four young and healthy British Airways pilots recently passed away and the airline is claiming there is no link to the Covid-19 vaccine. The photo of the four books of condolence sitting next to framed pictures of the pilots was posted to Twitter and authenticated by Reuters.“Reuters presented the claims to British Airways, which said they were unfounded and that no such talks were underway with the government. The spokesperson, however, confirmed the authenticity of the four condolence books, as four company pilots had recently passed away. “Our thoughts are with their family and friends,” they said, adding that none of the deaths was linked to vaccines.”A recording (unconfirmed) of a male discussing the deaths is circulating social media.“They’ve had the third BA pilot die in the last seven days, yeah? Third pilot dead in the last week,” says the man heard in the recording. “The first two guys were in their forties and fifties; this guy, mid-thirties, perfectly fit, no underlying conditions. He gets his second jab and he’s dead within days, exactly the same with the first two.“Because of this, BA are now in crisis talks with the government about whether to allow vaccinated pilots to fly. The issue with that of course is that about 80{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}, according to my friend in BA, 80-85{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} have been injected.”
There are 4,500 pilots working for British Airways. Multiplying 4500 x .825 equals 3,712. Four deaths out of 3,712 pilots would indicate at least a 0.1 percent fatality rate for vaxxed fliers.
There are about annual 1,011.5 million passenger flights in the USA. Now, obviously the air travel numbers are down, and some people fly a lot whereas others never fly at all. But if the fatality rates of the British Airways pilots are applicable to passengers, that would indicate 1,089,978 vaccine-related deaths among airline passengers in the coming year.
It’s probably possible for British Airways to deny that the four pilot deaths are vaccine-related. It will be considerably harder to explain away one million passenger deaths as being coincidental, particularly if all of them are vaxxed.
Here is a dark thought. What if “not vaccine-related” and “not linked to vaccines” phraseology being utilized in the media is technically precise and is being used in the sense that the deaths are related to something that is not a vaccine?