The outcome is still in doubt, but for once, the software developers are resisting the forces of convergence:
The progressive priesthood noticed the existence of another priesthood among software engineers, and vigorously attempted to converge it. Since convergence was having insufficient success, not in that the software priesthood espoused red pilled views, but that they failed to view knowledge of the latest shibboleths for sexual perversions as higher status than the latest shibboleths about software, the progressive priesthood proceeded to use more vigorous and aggressive measures, similar to those it has been using against “nazis” and “fascists”. The existence of high status shibboleths that it had not deemed high status enraged them.
To which attack, the software priesthood responded like a wet noodle. I was shocked and outraged by the feebleness and gutlessness of ESR’s limpwristed pushback when a bunch of sockpuppets in his comments section set to doing to some other man in the free software movement what had earlier been done to ESR.
The Software Priesthood is still saying “we are progressives too”, but this has not been working for them. The only thing that is going to work is identifying and purging the enemy. And since they made no attempt to identify and purge the enemy, I figured that they were a lost cause.
Well, the Software Priesthood are showing signs of life. And the enemy is becoming more visible and distinct as the enemy, shedding its “hail fellow engineer” disguise. The enemy just does not like Western Civilization, nor any of the things that Western Civilization in its greatness created, because what Western Civilization in its greatness created makes their mascots look like plains apes.
This may well turn out to be merely another Comicsgate, which was rapidly conquered by enemy entryists, but the people running the entryists against Comicsgate were smarter than the fans. They are nowhere near as smart as the people they have been purging from the Free Software movement. We shall see what happens.
One thing I’ve noticed is that most of the tough-talking libertarians fold like paper napkins soaked in batter acid in the face of SJW attack. But now that the big-talking weak sisters have been exposed as useless surrender monkeys, people are beginning to understand that they need to find the will to resist the infiltration and convergence on their own.