
We may have an explanation for that strong support for Democrats on the part of single white women.

My mom literally got her vote stolen in Michigan (they moved) and she JUST NOW THOUGHT TO TELL ME ABOUT IT. FRAUD! VOTER FRAUD AND I CAN PROVE IT BITCHES. All I can say while I’m getting this together… IF your parents lived in a different state and IF there was a legal name change that happened before they moved, CHECK THEIR VOTER STATUS. Her legal last name changed as they moved.


I’ve independently verified that women have cast votes in own name and another vote was cast under their maiden name. Now provided a small team to @SomeBitchIKnow and a channel to Trump Campaign (and law enforcement tomorrow) to get these victims and voters justice. #MaidenGate


Because we already know that there are nearly two million more registered voters than eligible citizens:

On Monday, a report was issued indicating that among 353 U.S. counties, 1.8 million more voters might have been registered than eligible voting-age citizens. Judicial Watch (JW) revealed the results of their 2020 study showing that the total in the counties of registration rates surpassed 100{3aedcb51dac2fbb83a885d32b07950f3050377138d02430f831f0a3ede84357a} of eligible voters. The eight states where state-wide registration rates exceeded 100{3aedcb51dac2fbb83a885d32b07950f3050377138d02430f831f0a3ede84357a} included Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

“The September 2020 study collected the most recent registration data posted online by the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau’s most recent five-year population estimates, gathered by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census,” Judicial Watch explained.

The Fake Voters are not all dead. Many of them have simply changed their names. This revelation could be a major game-changer going forward, with effects that extend well beyond President Trump’s successful reelection.