They done did it

Minneapolis abolishes the Minneapolis Police Department:

Minneapolis City Council votes unanimously for proposal that could replace Police Department

Less than three weeks after they promised to begin work on “ending” the Minneapolis Police Department, some City Council members pushed forward a new vision for law enforcement Friday that could still include officers on the streets.

The council voted unanimously to advance a proposal that would create a new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention. Within that, the city could create a division that includes “licensed peace officers,” though it would not be required to do so.

It’s unclear how many, if any, officers would continue to be employed by the city if the proposal passes.

Council Member Cam Gordon said it’s consistent with the pledge from council members to fundamentally alter local policing in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis officers.

“Those things that we called the police department are gone,” Gordon said. “Certainly, there is a provision in here that would allow this council or future councils to maintain a Division of Law Enforcement Services, but I think what we need to do is have that possibility there and talk to people about what the future should look like.”

It’s amusing to see that they’re already trying to go back on their proposal, and the Star Tribune is attempting to give them cover to do so. This is the inevitable problem when parasites try to rule. They have absolutely no ability to actually do anything except subvert and undermine.

That’s why their periods of “rule” tend to be more akin to interregnums.

What Minneapolis will end up with, of course, is the same MPD by another name. Because word play is the only play in the lunatic playbook.