The Hammer = American Spy Machine

Anonymous Conservative’s predictions about the coming revelation of a massive surveillance state that has been spying on everyone appear to be rapidly coming to pass:

Flynn lawyer Sydney Powell just revealed on Fox Business that Obama had a massive and widespread secret surveillance system called the Hammer. I’ve always said, surveillance rolls out as a package. If you get database pulls, you get tech deployment and monitoring. If you get tech deployment and monitoring, you get observation posts. If you get observation posts, you get physical coverage. If you get physical coverage, you get infiltration into your social circle. If she is right and the Hammer is getting revealed, it will be more than just a boring computer screen with meaningless databases amassed in one place. It will basically be a domestic CIA with operations divisions, tech divisions, logistics, direct action, data centers, slush funds, and all the parts of an intelligence outfit, times one hundred –  and ultimately run by a foreign power, and present in almost every nation, cataloging everyone.

What Q calls The Awakening might be better described as The Revelation, although perhaps that is a term too imbued with apocalyptic significance to be anticipated.

We’re still just seeing bits and pieces of the system, but everything from the Obama domestic spying program to the Epstein blackmail machine to the corruption of the FBI, the neocon wars, and the various conspiracy theories are almost certainly connected through it.

Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies as he came into the White House and that was one of the
things they were terrified of. Plus they knew at NSA he would immediately discover their FISA abuses and the incredible widespread general surveillance abuses of the administration. I don’t know whether it’s from Mr. Brennan’s fusion center that he set up to focus on whoever he wanted to focus on, or whether it’s something called The Hammer, what it is there was a massive surveillance operation, very widespread, by the Obama administration to surveil all political opponents and anybody else they wanted to collect information on using the NSA databases, their own little research operation.

This is what Qanon is all about. This is almost certainly what they have been preparing everyone for. And it is not only real, it is going to shock tens of millions of people around the world to learn the extent to which they have been spied on and betrayed, and by whom. That’s what AC means when he talks about “infiltration into your social circle”.

Maxine Waters knew about it back in 2013:

“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” said Representative Waters. “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”