A homeschooling father writes to express his appreciation after successfully homeschooling of his boys:
Fourteen years ago I wrote to see what advice you and the Voxologisti could provide a family embarking on homeschooling:
The youngest of my three sons just completed his homeschooling this month, closing out this chapter of our family’s story. We’re grateful for all the encouragement and suggestions we received through your site, and the wonderful community we discovered through the experience of homeschooling. The road is challenging, but full of blessing.
It was amusing in the early years when I’d have the boys with me in the hardware store during school hours (field trip!). The odd looks from strangers sometimes made me wonder if they wished they could call a childcatcher. What annoyed me most was the constant “aren’t you worried about their socialization?” After the first few times I began replying “no, because I’m not raising them to be socialists.” That usually ended the conversation quickly.
My older two are nearly finished learning trades (welding and physical therapy). Like his older brothers, my youngest will work full time for a while before making a decision about training/education. My wife and I are proud of the young men they’re becoming.
Our thanks to you and the Vox Popoli community.
It’s always good to hear the happy endings. But man, have we really been doing this for so long….
That doesn’t seem right.