Must. Preserve. Delusion. Bubble.

It’s always interesting to see how Gammas are able to stubbornly deny any facts that contradict their personal narrative. As always, few things cause them to burn with rage like the knowledge that others are considerably smarter than they are.

Hey Voxxy poo, quick question, how do you justify the fact in your head that you’re a 150 IQ supergenius but then know that a complete moron like Owen says hes within 3 IQ points of you? I mean, Owen is a legitimate flat earther at this point and has never been a smart guy, except to the dumbest of people that buy all flavors of bullshit. Doesnt it kinda hurt your brand as ‘high IQ guy’ to also have another self confessed high IQ guy next to you that’s very much obviously not high IQ? I’m not saying Owen is stupid, hes probably average give or take a bit. Just wondering your thoughts on that!

First, I don’t justify anything at all. My IQ was measured at a high level as a child in studies at Harvard. After taking the IOWA tests in elementary school I was placed into an elite state math program. In fifth grade I was excused from most of my classes and was permitted to spend most of the school day in the library since I already knew all the material. I was in the 99th percentile for both the PSAT and the SAT back when they were aptitude tests rather than achievement tests. And I was both a National Merit Finalist and a member of Mensa, and was offered free rides at many universities.

Second, a 150 IQ does not make one a supergenius. I have known three people with IQs in excess of 170 very well, and I would not consider any of them to be geniuses, let alone supergeniuses. My best friend also has a very slightly higher IQ than me and he is not a genius either. More importantly, IQ is only a proxy measure for cognitive capacity, whereas genius is a description of genuine intellectual accomplishment worthy of historical note. Martin van Creveld is a genius. Prince was a genius. I have not yet accomplished anything I would consider to be worthy of the term.

And third, Owen is obviously quite intelligent. No one who is that rhetorically quick and effective is not. His ability to distill a complex dialectic argument down to a two-word rhetorical nuke, and to do so instantly, is almost unmatched in my experience. The fact that he is quite willing to entertain even the most outlandish theories is a sign of intelligence and curiosity; absolutely no intelligence is required to blindly accept the mainstream narrative despite the various anomalies that can be observed.

Ihateowenbenjamin is also back. He can’t figure out why I never email him back, but that doesn’t hinder his ability to practice armchair psychiatry. Notice, again, the desperate gamma need to believe that someone is not considerably smarter than he is, as well as the projection of his obsession with his own perceived intelligence.

Hey loser,

I saw you posted some of my email on your blog. Funny that you NEVER respond to any points brought up by anyone. It is always just sarcastic remarks to your idiotic followers about how smart you are. Why do you never respond?

Try responding to this. You talk daily about your lawsuit against Patreon, yet have NEVER said what it is about. WHY are you suing Patreon? Because Owen got kicked off? Clearly that is not enough reason to sue them… Are you denying that Owen broke TOS? How would you know if Owen broke TOS or not since you claim to almost never watch videos anyways?

Also you frequently mention that you were a “National Merit Semifinalist” or something along those lines. Please direct me to some proof of this! A picture, a link, a list, etc.

Also, comment on if you have ever considered that you may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? You fit all the criteria. I guarantee you have this disorder. Your IQ is nowhere near 150 by the way!

But yea. it is clear you are a fraud. You never respond to any legitimate criticism. You have been caught lying on multiple occasions. in your mind you will deny this because of your personality disorder, you find ways to justify your lies.

Respond. Bet you can’t.

I have never said a single word about a “lawsuit” against Patreon, much less “my” lawsuit against them. I do not have any cause or standing to sue Patreon, since I have never been a user of their site. Nor, to the best of my knowledge, are there at present any lawsuits against Patreon; some of the recent changes to their terms of use were intended to impose lawsuits in the place of the previously selected alternative forms of dispute resolution. I am neither a lawyer nor a litigant, I am merely a humble philosopher and dark lord who occasionally finds some small amusement in reading corporate terms and policies and contemplating their vagaries.

Another certain Gamma tell is the inability to distinguish “can’t” from “won’t”.