And whatever happened to that whole “speech has consequences” idea they were pushing anyhow?
Back in September, we reported that TV network OAN had filed a lawsuit against Rachel Maddow for the time the host said that OAN “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”
Now, Maddow finds herself having to come up with a defense for her statement in court. And she has also apparently hired Lionel Hutz as her legal adviser.
According to Culttture, her lawyers argued in a recent motion that “…the liberal host was clearly offering up her ‘own unique expression’ of her views to capture what she saw as the ‘ridiculous’ nature of the undisputed facts. Her comment, therefore, is a quintessential statement ‘of rhetorical hyperbole, incapable of being proved true or false.”
So Maddow is looking for the court to give her a free pass to say anything she likes, because her words can never be considered true or false. It’s an interesting, and perhaps even novel, legal theory, but I tend to doubt even a sympathetic liberal judge is likely to accept it.
Especially given the particular emphasis she really, literally, placed upon it.
However this is an excellent example of what happens when an individual abandons Truth, as he – or she – eventually becomes incapable of seeing or even speaking the truth.