Mailvox: harping on Gammas

Ricky Rari complains about the way I criticize Gamma males:

You always harp on about gammas but never the mothers who singlehandedly raised them, or their absentee fathers.

First, that’s not always the case. There are no shortage of Gammas from two-parent homes.

Second, what would be the point? You can’t unmake a single mother, an absentee father, or undo an upbringing. But the Gamma male can change his pattern of behavior.

Third, and most important, neither single mothers nor absentee fathers insist on invading this blog, infesting the Darkstream and Dlive channels, recording video hit pieces intended to discredit people, and organizing campaigns attempts to get me and my associates deplatformed.

Gammas are the self-declared enemy of community, society, and civilization. No unrepentant Gamma should ever be shown even a modicum of grace, mercy or kindness. To the contrary, only unrelenting contempt, rejection, and honesty have any ability to puncture the delusion bubble that the Gamma uses to hide from the truth about himself, and thereby permit the possibility of personal growth and behavioral transformation.