The media’s complaints about China’s social credit score system are growing more and more transparently ridiculous by the day, most notably in light of the announcement by one of Britain’s National Health Service trusts to DENY MEDICAL TREATMENT to patients it deems to have fallen afoul of the current social justice Narrative:
A National Health Service (NHS) trust has announced that it will withdraw treatment from patients it deems to be racist or sexist.
The North Bristol NHS Trust announced that patients will be subject a “sports-style disciplinary yellow card and then final red card in which treatment would be withdrawn as soon as is safe” on its official website.
The policy would cover not just “Threatening and offensive language” but also “Racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour” more generally, as well as “malicious allegations” — a rather troubling caveat, given the NHS has in the past been entangled in large-scale malpractice scandals which hospitals and staff have initially denied.
In other words, you can quite reasonably anticipate the medical services across the West to soon be providing free medical treatment to invaders while denying any treatment at all to the native peoples who object to their invasion and replacement.
This is evil of a sort that few of us can even imagine. And you wonder when I tell you that even the rigors of Chung Kuo will be preferable to the Healed World?