Secret King never errs

Curt Doolittle is more amusingly delusional than I would have imagined. This little performance made me laugh.

Curt Doolittle: European Civilization is based on European Civilization that is thousands of years older than Christianity.

Samuel Whittemore: I said Western Civilization, not European Civilization. The European nations are a component of Western Civilization, along with Christianity and the Graeco-Roman traditions.

Curt Doolittle: In the intellectual vernacular, “European Civilization”, “Western Civilization”, and “Christendom” are used as synonyms…. I never err.

Secret King wins again! And yet, it clearly escaped the philosopher of Propertarianism that the reason the three terms are used as synonyms is because his tautological definition of “European Civilization” is incorrect.  Moreover, that definition strongly suggests that he doesn’t even understand what a “civilization” is.