Reality is hard when you’re an SJW. From the comments:
Don’t try to pin him on me. This kind of lede is practically an announcement that — just like Camestros — you pull the name of my blog into your disputes to generate attention. For shame.
– Mike Glyer, File 770
While Mike certainly isn’t to blame for Camestros’s foot-shooting antics, Camestros is part of the File 770 community and that serves as a useful identifier for those who have no idea who he is or why he’s nipping at my ankles. I would think it is readily apparent that I have absolutely zero need to generate attention these days; to the contrary, I methodically refuse every single request for interviews, stories, appearances and “perspective” from the mainstream media, the Internet media, and the YouTubers alike.
Wait, I did answer a few questions from someone connected to the Unz Review the other day, but then, I make exceptions for people with whom I am working….
I don’t blame the SF-SJWs for failing to grasp how much bigger Unauthorized is than their entire community at this point, since it’s outside their area of interest, but sooner or later, they’re going to be confronted with what is almost certainly going to strike them as a very ugly reality. This blog alone is much closer to’s traffic than to File 770’s, and that doesn’t include the YouTube viewers or UATV viewers.