Fake impeachment proceedings

I was wondering why all the sound and fury about impeachment didn’t seem to show any signs of leading to an actual vote on an impeachment inquiry. It’s because all the activity is just kabuki meant to stir up excitement and distract the electorate, not actually investigate anything concerning Ukraine.

It’s quite obvious what the Democrats are doing. They have not had a vote on the floor of the House to start a formal impeachment inquiry because if they were to have such a vote, under the House rules for impeachment, the Republicans would get subpoena power.

In order to avoid giving the Republicans subpoena power, they are doing impeachment lite with these six different committees who are claiming it’s an impeachment inquiry, and they are trying to subpoena people and get documents without having an impeachment vote on the floor. That is why the White House said we are not going to cooperate with this kangaroo court.

The reason they don’t dare give Republicans subpoena power is that the corruption of the Obama administration, particularly that which surrounded the then-Vice President and then-Secretary of State would be exposed and placed on the record.

Of course, Captain Underoos doesn’t get it, and with his impeccable sense of timing, has concluded that his big moment has finally arrived at last. At this point, I think we can all agree that despite his copious flaws, the stoner-in-chief Obama actually proved to be a less horrific president than either McCain or Romney would have been.