Mailvox: are they that stupid?

Mystic on Main puts his judgment on the line:

That aside here’s what I’m thinking. The Dems must have seen the transcript of the call and they must not only know who the whistleblower is but also have talked to them. There’s no way Pelosi would have endorsed impeachment hearings without seeing there is something to grab on to. Which makes me think there is something they can run with.

Surely the Democrats couldn’t be that stupid, right? They couldn’t POSSIBLY be THAT stupid, right? They’re not THAT desperate about 2020 ALREADY, are they?

I guess we’re going to find out soon.

UPDATE: Yep, it looks like they really are that desperate and stupid.

The president’s phone call — made from the White House residence to Zelenskiy — began with Trump congratulating Zelenskiy on his election victory. Later, Trump veers into the Biden issue.

“I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down, which is really unfair,” Trump says on the call, according to the transcript. Trump then says, “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, what Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

“Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution, so if you can look into it, It sounds horrible to me,” Trump said on the call, according to the transcript.

Zelenskiy replies that he’s appointing a new prosecutor who will “look into the situation.”

That is the only mention about Biden in the transcript of the call. The call transcript is five pages.

UPDATE: Democrats SAY they have their majority. But even the media doubts that they actually mean it:

Two hundred and eighteen House Democrats and one independent — a majority of the chamber’s 435 members — now favor some kind of impeachment action against President Donald Trump, according to an NBC News tally.

House Democrats reached the milestone a day after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into the president following claims that he might have withheld aid to Ukraine to pressure officials there to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

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That nearly all House Democrats support some kind of impeachment action represents a significant development in the chamber’s push forward with official impeachment proceedings.

But that doesn’t mean they will all vote to impeach the president.

It’s rather amusing to see Democrats behaving like Republicans traditionally do. They initially claim to want the same thing, then proceed to fight over the details on how to do it and end up doing nothing as a result. The God-Emperor really has them spinning in circles.