Forget conferences, we need these for life

I can’t say that I would honestly mind having a badge that would forbid anyone to talk to me in real life:

Transgender conference organisers have given academics traffic light ‘safe space’ badges to show whether they can cope with a conversation.

Scholars attending the Thinking Beyond: Transversal Transfeminisms event at Roehampton University in southwest London were given green, amber and red lanyards to signal if they could talk.

A green badge meant ‘I wish to speak with other delegates and welcome you to approach’, yellow was for ‘I will approach you if I wish to speak’ and red meant ‘I do not wish to speak with other delegates.’

The guests were able to switch between the colours if they chose during the day, according to the Sunday Times.

Women, of course, will require a pink badge, which means “I do not wish for you to speak with me unless I find you attractive.”