Mailvox: outsourcing defense

I don’t think there can be much doubt any longer that the US military is going to lose its next major war:

You have no idea how bad the rot is within US Defense Contractors these days. I work as an engineer for a major [defense contractor] and I regularly hear Mandarin being spoken in our office by the Chinese-born people in one of our testing groups. It is rather insane.

Additionally, their English is terrible and their accents are more exaggerated, comical and less intelligible than those performed by Owen Benjamin in his various, hilarious Chinamen skits. I wouldn’t be surprised if their home nation had entire models of some of our vehicles based on these hiring and employment practices. It has certainly happened before with other companies and Defense projects.

I looked up one of these guys on LinkedIn and he did his undergrad and got his Masters in Beijing, but got his PhD at a US university. Probably paid for by the Chinese government. The Paperwork American mythos is so strong as to begar belief and all logic. Can you imagine a Chinese defense contractor allowing a single American-born individual within a few miles of their facilities, let alone through their doors? I certainly can’t.

Whoever writes The Decline and Fall of the United States of America in the wake of the final US collapse is going to have a very difficult time convincing future generations that the historical Americans were genuinely as stupid as they are being described.