Imagine what this guy will conclude when he learns that I occasionally appear on Zhongnanhai state television.

Alt-right blogger Vox Day has taken to linking to Russia Today as a news source on topics various and sundry, making his site an interesting test case for studying the injection of Kremlin state media into the Western extreme right.

This is an interesting observation for several reasons. The thing is, both Zhongnanhai and Kremlin state media are far more intelligent, and also far more accurate about the West than the Western corpocratic media. This minor issue of media sources utilized on an individual’s blog actually presages a much larger issue, which will be the neoliberals’ eventual realization that by attempting to banish what they call “the Western extreme right” from everything from social media to payment processors, white Christian men with a right-of-center perspective will sooner or later realize that neoliberalism is the central problem and ally with all of its other enemies against it.

The Big Tech companies of the West had a head start, but they have blown their advantage by converging and trying to transform their techno-ecosystem into a weaponized system of extragovernmental social and political control. But their behavior means no one trusts them inside or outside the West. What would you rather use if you were in India, Iran, or Nigeria, a Paypal platform you know will deplatform you for badkthink or an Alipay platform out of China that won’t? Would you rather use Facebook, which will gleefully report your badthink to your government, or VKontakte, which will not?

The global demographics and economies of scale are stacked very heavily against the converged corpocracies of the West, especially since they are purposefully creating competitors able to foxnews them by attacking at least one-third of their own customer base. And if the SJW corpocrats didn’t want us to find common cause with their much larger foreign competitors, then they should not have attacked, deplatformed, and demonetized us.

Perhaps if they were better versed in Western civilization, they would have been aware of the way in which Hubris inspires Nemesis.