The desperate Remain Speaker is demonstrating that there is no law in the current British Parliament:
Remainer MPs will mount an all-out bid to block No Deal today after Speaker John Bercow bent parliamentary rules to help them.
A cross-party motion being voted on this afternoon would effectively seize control from the government – and pave the way for a ban on the UK leaving without an agreement.
The Labour-backed move is seemingly timed to coincide with Boris Johnson’s Tory leadership campaign launch – after he vowed to force through Brexit by the end of October at all costs.
Mr Bercow has been accused of ‘constitutional vandalism’ for allowing the Opposition to table a business motion – which can usually only be done by the government.
If it is passed, a Bill will be brought forward within weeks that could make it illegal to suspend parliament to force a No Deal – a proposal mooted by some Tory hopefuls. Rebels say they could broaden the legislation to ban crashing out altogether.
The move to wrest control of Parliamentary business from the Government has the support of former Cabinet minister Sir Oliver Letwin, as well as all the Liberal Democrats, SNP and Greens.
One would have thought that the Members of Parliament would have learned the importance of working within the confines of the law from the assassination of Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016. If the politicians refuse to follow the law, why on Earth would they expect the people to do so?
Boris Johnson should put a stop to this Parliamentary lawlessness as soon as he becomes the Conservative Party leader by forging a Leave alliance with Nigel Farage, then calling for a General Election that would be followed by a Brexit-Conservative parliament.
UPDATE: the unlawful Remainer gambit to block No Deal Brexit failed anyhow, 309-298.