The fake opposition

A progressive embraces the Ineffectual Dork Weasels:

The vast majority of people in the IDW are extremely liberal on all of the core issues like abortion, climate change, gay marriage, etc. They’re not neocons, they’re not alt-right, and they’re not racists. They’re the opposite of that, actually, and the main thing they have in common is the desire to preserve and amplify good-faith conversation.

Rather than bash them due to something you heard from this one place—or that one friend—take the time to actually listen. Most of them are progressive just like you and me. And if you’re not liberal that’s fine too—listening will show you that true discussion is still possible.

The author suggests that Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson as partial exceptions who are not “extremely liberal”, but of course, he also mistakenly believes the Littlest Chickenhawk “doesn’t want to impose his religious ideas upon you through government” which is unintentionally hilarious to anyone who has read Shapiro’s book dedicated to the notion that both America and Western Civilization are Jewish.  But he did produce this useful chart:

And remember, this is supposed to be the courageous opposition to American progressivism.