I’ve uploaded a 90-minute extended audio sample of Cuckservative to UNAUTHORIZED in the book section. Subscribers should be able to access and download it. The sample contains what I consider to be the three most important chapters, on the myth of the melting pot, the history of the US conservative movement, and Churchianity.
I’m thinking of adding two new Premium sections for subscribers. One is video book reviews in which I’ll review a book I’ve read; I find it easier to talk about books in that context than write about them. The other is history readings that I consider to be particularly important. I highlight stuff all the time while I’m reading that never makes it to this blog, and that might be a good way of actually getting the information out to interested parties. The reason this strikes me as important is that the only video I’ve had banned from YouTube, and my only strike – now expired – was nothing more than a reading from The Byzantine Empire by Charles Oman.
Year Zero is an ever-present goal of the godless, which is why they hate history. I think it therefore behooves us to preserve it. Anyhow, if you’re Unauthorized, let me know if the Paid Only access works for you and what you think of the two proposed new sections.