We’ll see

The White House is saying that the President will both a) sign the spending bill and b) declare a national emergency:

President Donald Trump will sign a spending bill that denies him funding for a border wall, but averts another government shutdown. Trump will also declare a national emergency, allowing him to bypass Congress and build the wall.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on Thursday that Trump will sign the bill, but “will also take other executive action – including a national emergency – to stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border.”

The bill allocates just $1.3 billion for a barrier along the US-Mexico border – a drastically lower amount than originally requested by the president. It also explicitly prohibits a concrete wall, and includes a number of concessions to Democrats, such as amnesty for illegal immigrants in the US with unaccompanied minors, a ban on wall construction in several national parks, and no funding for hiring more Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

As always, wait two days before even thinking about reaching any conclusion. And remember, nothing has actually happened yet with regards to either proclaimed action. Personally, I think he should refuse to sign the bill, declare the national emergency, and Build The Wall. But we will have to wait and see.