It was Snoozy all along

The question of Stealth Sessions vs Snoozy Sessions has, apparently, been settled:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned under pressure Wednesday after more than a year of public criticism from his boss, President Donald Trump.

Trump’s press secretary Sarah Sanders said the White House received a resignation letter from Sessions, 71, earlier Wednesday and Trump accepted it.

Sessions, a former senator from Alabama, departs after the president repeatedly hammered him about his decision last year to recuse himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin.

Sessions’s public performance as Trump’s AG has been disappointing, especially given his early championing of the God-Emperor. Time will tell if there was anything to his performance out of the public eye or not, but his resignation now tends to indicate that there wasn’t much there.

This also casts some doubt on the veracity of Q. Trust Sessions… to do what? Resign?