Ed Driscoll laments the future fate of him and every other racial equalitarian on Instapundit:
IT’S COME TO THIS: Astronaut Scott Kelly apologizes after quoting, praising Winston Churchill.
Kelly, a retired American astronaut with multiple space flights under his belt, apologized Sunday after quoting Winston Churchill and calling the 20th century British prime minister “one of the greatest leaders of modern times.”
“Did not mean to offend by quoting Churchill. My apologies. I will go and educate myself further on his atrocities, racist views which I do not support. My point was we need to come together as one nation. We are all Americans. That should transcend partisan politics,” Kelly wrote on Twitter in the evening.
The attempt of cucks and conservatives to split the difference between the consequences of the Left that they fear and the truths of the Right that they reject is utterly doomed to failure. The Left neither cares about nor shares their virtuous, much-signaled color-blindness, all the Left wants is for them to submit to its ever-shifting Narrative.
As for the Right, we have nothing but contempt for their cowardly and fearful denial of history, science, the Bible, and truth. Let me be clear: you cannot claim to believe in equality of any kind and still consider yourself to be a) of the Right or b) truthful.
We all know you don’t really believe in equality because we can see your actions and hear your words. None of your rationalizations and justifications and confabulations are fooling anyone, least of all yourself, and subjecting us to them is insulting our intelligence.
Equality is a lie, and submitting to the lie will not only lead you to deny America, nationalism, and Winston Churchill, it will eventually force you to publicly deny Jesus Christ himself.