The anti-democratic Eurocratic debacle in Italy is already driving significant popular support to Matteo Salvini and La Lega:
I 5Stelle perdono consenso in particolare tra l’elettorato di sinistra. Ma ci sono anche consensi in fuga verso la Lega. Matteo Salvini scavalla anche la soglia del 25{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177} e ora è a solo due punti dal M5s che al contrario delle Lega continua a perdere consensi. A sinistra e anche a destra. Per la Swg se si votasse oggi la Lega avrebbe il 27,5{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177} dei voti, quasi dieci punti sopra il 17,4{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177} del 4 marzo. Il M5s invece scenderebbe al 29,5{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177}, dal 32,7. La Lega è in grande spolvero per tutti i sondaggisti che per altro non credono alleanza Lega-M5s in chiave elettorale. Convinti che alla fine Matteo Salvini si presenterà alle prossime elezioni con il centrodestra, dato oltre il 40{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177}. Quindi in grado di formare un governo con Matteo Salvini premier e erede politico di Silvio Berlusconi.
The Movimento 5 Stelle is losing support, particularly on the left of the electorate. But some of its support is also moving to La Lega.
Matteo Salvini has now also reached the 25 percent threshold and is now only two points away from 5 Stelle, which, unlike the Lega, continues to lose support on the left as well as on the right. According to the SWG, if the vote was today, La Lega would win 27.5 percent of the votes, more than ten points above the 17.4 percent it won in March. Movimento 5 Stelle would fall to 29.5 percent, down from 32.7. La Lega is expected to do well by all the pollsters who do not believe in the viability of the alliance between La Lega and 5 Stelle; they are convinced that Matteo Salvini will present himself at the next elections with the center-right and win over 40 percent of the vote. This will permit the Right to form a government with Matteo Salvini as the premier and political heir of Silvio Berlusconi.
This would mean that instead of a Left-Right euroskeptic alliance in power, the nationalist Right would take power directly. Of course, Salvini would be well-advised to throw a few bones to M5S in order to keep them from being tempted to get back in bed with the Eurofascists. But it’s much too soon to even think about this, as Renzi is trying to worm his way back into power, there are discussions of impeaching Mattarella, and the general consensus is that a speedy new election would be the best way to settle the affair.