“California represents the future”

Bankrupt and brown, apparently.

Harris took the side of states’ rights when it comes to immigration. and threatened that “California’s going to fight” because the state “represents the future.” She also claimed the Trump administration and Sessions “in particular” have “clearly put a target on the back of California.”

“This Administration and Jeff Sessions in particular have clearly put a target on the back of California and California’s going to fight,” Harris proclaimed. “And, I think that these folks are really mired in rolling back the clock in time and that’s not going to happen. California represents the future. And — and they don’t like it, but there you go.”

“There’s a distraction in that they are trying to suggest that this is about the Constitution when in fact what they’re doing is they’re playing politics. They’re playing politics and they’re playing politics with California. This attorney general is doing that and he’s going to lose,” Harris said.

Harris said she supported the mayor of Oakland to warn illegal immigrants of an impending ICE race because she is making a decision based on her “estimation of what’s in the best interest of their constituents.”

It strikes me that the last time states’ rights Democrats wanted a war, they lost. It’s interesting that California politicians haven’t figured out what the Chinese and North Korean politicians clearly understand, which is that it is a mistake to directly challenge the God-Emperor.

Anyhow, a war over immigration makes considerably more sense than a war over slavery. Because, as we know, immigration and war amount to the same thing in the end.